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Lomba Desain UI/UX Mahasiswa - PIXELS Challenge UI/UX Competition 2024

Deadline Pendaftaran

31 Mei 2024

Total Hadiah

Tidak disebutkan




Google DSC Chapter STT Nurul Fikri

[ PIXELS Challenge: Meet Pixel Perfection! ]

Massive salutations, GDSC NF’s dwellers! 👋🏻

PIXELS Challenge is an event that aims to combine UI/UX design concepts with sustainable development (SDGs) promoted by the United Nations. By solving various problems related to SDGs, PIXELS Challenge encourages participants to explore innovative ideas and practical solutions.

The PIXELS Challenge includes a series of workshops, mentoring sessions with experienced mentors and design challenges; providing a platform for (potential) participants to participate in the event.

📢 So, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and register for the PIXELS Challenge now! 📢

Regist here: s.id/PIXELS-Regist

Guidebook: s.id/PIXELS-Guidebook

#MakeAnImpact with #GoogleDeveloperStudentClub

#lomba #lombahub #infolomba

Dibuat pada 28/5/2024, 21.12.19 WIB

Disunting pada 28/5/2024, 21.12.19 WIB

(Validitas informasi yang ditampilkan di situs ini sepenuhnya merupakan tanggungjawab dari penyelenggara event. Berhati-hatilah pada kompetisi yang bersumber dari penyelenggara yang mencurigakan)

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Kategori Design