
gambar poster lomba yang sudah tidak menerima pendaftaran akan dihapus

Lomba Olimpiade, Infografis, Data Science - Padjadjaran Statistics Olympiad 8.0

Deadline Pendaftaran

12 September 2024

Total Hadiah

Tidak disebutkan


SMA, Mahasiswa


Himpunan Mahasiswa Statistika (HIMASTA) Universitas Padjadjaran


Statistics Day 2024 is excited to present the ASEAN-level Data Science Competition, Statistics Olympiad, Infographic Competition for University, and National level Infographic Competition for Senior High School as part of the Padjadjaran Statistics Olympiad (RASIO) 8.0🏅

This year's theme for RASIO8.0 is "Empowering Youth: Harnessing AI in Economic and Manufacturing Challenges.”

Make sure to check the poster for more details and mark the important dates.

You could win up to tens of millions rupiah in prizes🏆

Other benefits include:

- Enhancing your analytical and creative skills in statistics 📊

- E-certificates for all participants 📜

Register now to be a part of RASIO 8.0:

💫Link: http://rasio.statistics.unpad.ac.id

💫Guidelines: bit.ly/GuidelineRASIO2024

Don't miss this opportunity—sign up now‼

📞Contact Person:


+6281380135785 (Hasna)

+6289508423163 (Aldo)

Reach out to us on the platforms below for further details.

Instagram: @statday

Twitter: @statday

Tiktok: @statday

YouTube: Statistics Day

Website: http://rasio.statistics.unpad.ac.id

#StatisticsDay #Statday #Statday2024 #RASIO8.0 #InfographicCompetition #StatisticsOlympiad #InfografisSMA #ASEANlevelcompetition #datascience #lombanasional #kompetisinasional #infolomba #infolombaSMA #lombahub

Dibuat pada 23/7/2024, 21.34.15 WIB

Disunting pada 23/7/2024, 21.35.48 WIB

(Validitas informasi yang ditampilkan di situs ini sepenuhnya merupakan tanggungjawab dari penyelenggara event. Berhati-hatilah pada kompetisi yang bersumber dari penyelenggara yang mencurigakan)
