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Lomba The 15th PPM SoM Business Case Competition 2024

Deadline Pendaftaran

28 Juni 2024

Total Hadiah

Rp 322.500.000




PPM School of Management

🌟 Join The 15th PPM SoM Business Case Competition Now! 🌟

Calling all talented students to participate in The 15th PPM SoM Business Case Competition,

In collaboration with PT Wahana Kalyanamitra Mahardhika, one of subsidiaries of Wahana Artha Group.

Participant Requirements:

● Active D4/S1 students from Indonesian universities

● Each team consists of 3 students from the same university (across different majors)

● Winners of 1-4 place in BCC PPM SoM 2022-2023 are not eligible to reapply

Registration Fees:

Early Bird until April 30: Rp 300,000/team

So, what are you waiting for? Bring your team's creative ideas to contribute to company development!

For More Information:

WhatsApp: +6285174462158

IG: @bcc.ppm

E-Mail: bcc.ppm@gmail.com

#PPMSchool #BCC #businesscase #competition #management #business #lomba #jakarta #lomba #lombahub #infolomba

Dibuat pada 5/6/2024, 21.35.24 WIB

Disunting pada 5/6/2024, 21.35.24 WIB

(Validitas informasi yang ditampilkan di situs ini sepenuhnya merupakan tanggungjawab dari penyelenggara event. Berhati-hatilah pada kompetisi yang bersumber dari penyelenggara yang mencurigakan)

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Kategori Business Plan